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Why does Jquery only affect the first div element?

Anonymous User426906-Jun-2013
Hi Expert, 

I am using the "replace" function to remove all non-numeric values in a div.

It seems Jquery replace only affects the first element.

Here is my Jquery:

$('#comment').each(function() {
    var thz = $(this);
    var repl = thz.html(thz.html().replace(/\D+/g, ''));

HTML Code:

<a id="comment1" href="#"> c2fđf011. </a>
<a id="comment1" href="#"> c20ff113. </a>
<a id="comment1" href="#"> c201gf76341. </a>


2011 c20ff113. c201gf76341.

The result I want is:

2011 20113 20176341

Please help,
Thanks in advance. 

Updated on 21-May-2018
I am a content writter !

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